Saturday 15 November 2014

A little princess

This is a story I wrote.

Once upon a time there was a baby called Mavis. She was born on the 19th of August. Her parents were the rulers of a kingdom! The name of the kingdom was called the kingdom of life and love. Her mum was called Mona and he dad was called Titan. Once on a clear night a witch came while the king and queen were asleep. She stole princess and went on her merry way back to her castle . The witch whispered'' I will never grow old again''
    The next morning the king and queen woke up." Titan the baby has gone" Mona shouted. The king and queen send all their servants except the chef and the waiters to put up posters all around the kingdom.
    At the moment they haven't had any sign of the royal baby. The servants came back and one of the servants said that one of the citizens heard some footsteps near the palace.
    When Mavis was 16 years old she thought that the witch was her mother. One day she said " Do you know why tomorrow is a special day mum!!". The witch said " I don't know why". Mavis said " You should know woman it is my birthday!! And you know what I want. I want know where those pleasantly beautiful bright lanterns come from". The lanterns come up into the sky every night on Mavis's birthday. She always asked why she wouldn't come out of the castle for her life but the witch always said no.
    One day the witch went to look for some food like some fruit for the fruit pie she made for Mavis to eat but when she got back Mavis was gone. Meanwhile Mavis was having fun in the kingdom of life and love. She was having fun with a man with gold hair. His name was Mike. They were buying fruits of all sorts. " Wait I don't like water melons" said Mavis.
    " That silly rat, you think you can fool me, well you can't."The witch said. She went to search for Mavis. The only luck she had was a sighting of a sum teens looking for food but she found out that it wasn't them. Mike was sleeping while Mavis was washing the dishes. "Darling stop doing the chores come and have a rest," Mike said in a calm voice. But Mavis didn't have a rest, she was just cleaning the dishes.
    When the witch did find Mavis, Mavis was on a canoe with Mike looking at the lanterns. She took a canoe and raced onto the river to Mike and Mavis."Mavis you're grounded. And for you what do you think you're doing with my silly rat?" said the witch "What did you just say mother? did you just say I was a silly rat." Mavis said in a wobbly voice. "No, I didn't you're a lovely girl and your very tall for your age." Mavis realised that she was not her mother." You witch you ugly evil witch. I wish I didn't meet you." Mavis called the guards. "There she is" Mavis said. The witch was taken away. Then she found her real parents. Queen Mona and King Titan. " Are you my real mother and father?" "What is your name?" " Mavis" "Yes you are our daughter." " Mother, father I love you."Mavis, Titan and Mona lived happily in their castle.